Winter Solstice + New Moon in Capricorn Writing Prompt + Ritual—Build

Winter Solstice + New Moon in Capricorn Writing Prompt + Ritual—Build

I love this new moon for the new year. Not only is it in the sturdy, reliable, building Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, but it is in positive aspect (sextile) to its ruling planet, Saturn. Now, Daddy Saturn loves limits, restrictions, boundaries, which may sound like a bit of a bummer for the new year/season celebrations—but what Saturn truly asks of us is to choose, to prioritize. Every boundary is a fence around what is actually important to you; every limit a door to what you truly want; every no buys you more time for your yes.

New Moon in Virgo Ritual + Writing Prompt: Manifest

New Moon in Virgo Ritual + Writing Prompt: Manifest

Welcome to one of the most gorgeous new moons of the year! This is an excellent time for setting intentions and planting seeds for the next month, and the next six months of this lunar cycle. There’s so much yummy, juicy energy to work with this new moon, and hardly any difficult energies—and there haven’t been a ton of moons we can say that with this year—so please, manifest away!

Full Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt: Contain

Full Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt: Contain

Happy Super Blue Full Moon in Pisces! This moon may bring up a lot of emotion—and asks us to balance our heads with our hearts. A supermoon is when the moon is closest to the earth in its orbit—amplifying its influence and effects. And a blue moon occurs when we have two full moons in the same month—in this case bookending August (8/1 and 8/30). This full blue supermoon brings the already dreamy, emotional, watery Piscean vibes to a crescendo.

Full Moon in Aries Ritual + Writing Prompt: Relief

 Full Moon in Aries Ritual + Writing Prompt: Relief

Today’s full moon is an intensely emotional one that may bring our deepest, perhaps oldest, core wounds to the surface. Which may not sound super fun—but the healing potential is immense. The full moon in Aries is focused on the self, the individual, the ego—and not necessarily in a negative or narcissistic way (though it’s shadow side can be just that), but in a way that acknowledges, and in its best form, accepts and even appreciates ourselves, just as we are.

Full Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt—Sacred

Full Moon in Pisces Ritual  + Writing Prompt—Sacred

Like the yin yang symbol, astrology captures the way that opposites also contain the essence of each other. At each new moon, the moon meets the sun in the sign of that season—this month, Virgo. And at the following full moon, the moon always crosses into the opposite sign—Pisces, currently—and reminds us of/to find the balance, the integration between the polarities.

New Moon in Virgo Creative Ritual—Cleanse

New Moon in Virgo Creative Ritual—Cleanse

This new moon sits with sun at 4º of Virgo. Virgo, mutable earth, marks the time of harvest, the point of the year where summer bends toward fall, and we gather and sort the wheat from the chaff. Virgo carries these energies of discernment and discrimination, determining what is worth saving and what needs to be discarded.

New Moon in Cancer Ritual + Reading—Protect

 New Moon in Cancer Ritual + Reading—Protect

New Moon in Cancer, Cancer, Cardinal Water, the primal waters where life begins and grows, the amniotic womb, the primordial ocean from whence life crawled onto the earth. Cancer is Mother, the principle of mothering, nurturing, bringing into being. Mother regardless of gender or genitals. We all contain the ability and sense to mother, to birth, to bring into being and, further, more importantly, perhaps, to nurture into life.

New Moon in Gemini Writing Prompt—Choose

 New Moon in Gemini Writing Prompt—Choose

The new moon in Gemini today is the first lunation post eclipse season—and brings a breath of change after the past month. And while change may be welcome, it’s not always easy. Mercury, the ruler of this moon in Gemini, is still retrograde, so while new moons are good times for manifestation, this particular one is a bit slower moving, wonkier, changeable. We are still reflecting and reviewing what the retrograde has been teaching us about our communications and thought patterns.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio—Surrender

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio—Surrender

There is a full moon lunar eclipse along the south node in Scorpio—and if you have been feeling ALL. THE. FEELINGS. today (and/or the past two weeks), well, you’re right on time. South node eclipses are about where we’ve been—and even who we’ve been—and who or what (in the external or internal worlds) we need to now let go of in order to step into who we are becoming.

Full Moon in Libra Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reckoning + Renewal

Full Moon in Libra Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reckoning + Renewal

This full moon glows in Libra, sitting across from the sun in Aries. Full moons are always a time of integration, of navigating the polarity of two opposite signs, of exploding the binary by embodying the paradox of the axis. Aries is the sign of the individual, of the self—it’s catch-phrase is “I am.” Aries is the beginning, the birth of spring, the individuating into a contained and separate self. Libra, on the other hand, is the sign of the other, of relating and relationship, of partner and collaboration and working together.

New Moon in Aries Ritual + Writing Prompts: Seed

New Moon in Aries Ritual + Writing Prompts: Seed

This is a very powerful new moon and a very powerful time for setting intentions and planting the seeds we wish to grow and harvest this year. This moon is conjunct the sun (as new moons always are) in Aries—sign of the ram, which begins on the vernal equinox (in the northern hemisphere) each year and kicks off spring, season of birth, growth, fertility and virility. Aries season is always a time of action—and, if utilized wisely, of planning and setting goals and intentions to channel its wild energies within. This particular moon, however, is also conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, and Mercury, planet of our minds, thoughts, language and communications—giving it a slightly more nuanced, complex and somber flavor.

Full Moon in Virgo Ritual + Writing Prompts: Devotion

Full Moon in Virgo Ritual + Writing Prompts: Devotion

This full moon fattens in Virgo, sign of the Virgin—the one whole unto herself—the devotee dedicated to the goddess—the small, daily acts of service that add up to a lifetime of reverence. It sits across from the Sun and Neptune, along with Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces, sign of the fish—swimming the grand cosmic ocean, the ending and beginning, the place where all of our individual drops eventually return, death, rebirth. The vast, veiled planes of spirit.

New Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reborn

New Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reborn

This new moon is a bit of a paradox, on several levels. Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the end of the astrological year, the last stretch before the new moon in Aries begins the spring, the birth of a new cycle. Pisces, like all mutable signs, is the brink, the edge, the liminal in-between as one season bleeds into the next. The winter melting, almost without notice, into spring.

Full Moon in Leo Ritual + Writing Prompt: Shine

Full Moon in Leo Ritual + Writing Prompt: Shine

This is a big, emotional, POWERFUL full moon, y’all. This full moon is a crossroads, a threshold. Forming a grand cross with the sun and the nodes of fate, and with Pluto in conversation with the nodes as well, the decisions we make now are destiny-making choices. You can choose to stay stuck in your karma and the past—or you can choose let go, step into an unknown future and evolve.

New Moon in Aquarius Ritual + Writing Prompt—Envision

New Moon in Aquarius Ritual + Writing Prompt—Envision

We began the new year deep in Venus’ retrograde through Capricorn—asking us to deeply examine the structures and foundations of everything we value, relationships, love, beauty, art, money, finances, pleasure. As Venus conjoined Pluto, this excavation went deep into the recesses of our past, our subconscious, even into generational and ancestral layers of our psyches and physiology. The good news is, this week begins a major shift in this energy and a big push for forward momentum.

Full Moon in Gemini Ritual + Writing Prompts—Descent

Full Moon in Gemini Ritual + Writing Prompts—Descent

Gemini embraces and explores the ten thousand things, while Sagittarius yearns for and seeks the One. The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is the axis of information, of belief—two opposite, and yet ultimately unified ways of understanding the world. Sag sees the forest—Gemini, the trees.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Writing Prompts—Uncover

 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Writing Prompts—Uncover

Taurus is fixed earth, the bull—the deep appreciation and pleasure of the body, the earth, incarnation. Scorpio, meanwhile, is everything beneath—beneath the earth, beneath the surface, beneath the veneer of society. Scorpio is the taboo, everything a culture represses and denies. Taurus is the earth unfurling in the height of spring; Scorpio the inward coiling and falling leaves of deep fall.

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual Writing Prompts—Release + Desire

New Moon in Scorpio Ritual Writing Prompts—Release + Desire

Now is a season of conserving, reserving and storing, a time of sending the energy to our roots to coil and preserve for the spring—a time of pinpointed focus and release of everything extraneous. So that when we come to the time of growing, producing and extroverting, we have that energy repleted and ready to send out into the world, and into our creative goals and projects.