I love this new moon for the new year. Not only is it in the sturdy, reliable, building Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, but it is in positive aspect (sextile) to its ruling planet, Saturn. Now, Daddy Saturn loves limits, restrictions, boundaries, which may sound like a bit of a bummer for the new year/season celebrations—but what Saturn truly asks of us is to choose, to prioritize. Every boundary is a fence around what is actually important to you; every limit a door to what you truly want; every no buys you more time for your yes.
New Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt—Dream Weaving
Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the twelfth house, the final resting place where everything dissolves back into the cosmic ocean. It is the end of the astrological year, the close to the cycle. And Pisces is also the beginning. It is the grave and the womb, the place where energy separates and disintegrates and then recombines to give birth to spring, to the first house, the beginning of the cycle, to the I AM that is Aries season. Aries is our birth; Pisces is the womb that gives birth to us, the mother ocean, and also the place of our death, ego death or physical death. This new moon in Pisces reminds us that every ending is a beginning, every beginning contains an end.
New Moon in Capricorn Writing Prompts + Ritual—Regeneration
Happy first new moon of the new year! I know we were all hoping for a reset after 2020, and I’m sorry to say based on the current events and the astrology, that we’re not there… yet. 2021 will bring a big change in energy—it is the dawning of a new era—but we will have struggles to grapple with yet, both lingering from 2020 and new ones, stamped with the signature of change, innovation, and upheaval, thanks to so much Aquarian, Uranian, and (continued) Plutonian energy at play.
Full Moon in Cancer Ritual Bath + Writing Prompts
It’s the final full moon of 2020, and at last we end on a lovely sort of note. The full moon is in Cancer, its sign of rulership, where the moon feels its happiest, glowiest, and fullest self. Enjoy this moment of brightness in the dark season of winter solstice and the dark year that has been 2020. Use this full moon to celebrate and honor what you personally, and we as a collective, have learned and begun to evolve into in these past six months, especially around emotional intelligence, awareness, and honoring, and the nurturing of our most deep, dark, and beautiful emotions—and also to acknowledge and recognize where we still need to grow.