I love this new moon for the new year. Not only is it in the sturdy, reliable, building Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, but it is in positive aspect (sextile) to its ruling planet, Saturn. Now, Daddy Saturn loves limits, restrictions, boundaries, which may sound like a bit of a bummer for the new year/season celebrations—but what Saturn truly asks of us is to choose, to prioritize. Every boundary is a fence around what is actually important to you; every limit a door to what you truly want; every no buys you more time for your yes.
Full Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt: Contain
Happy Super Blue Full Moon in Pisces! This moon may bring up a lot of emotion—and asks us to balance our heads with our hearts. A supermoon is when the moon is closest to the earth in its orbit—amplifying its influence and effects. And a blue moon occurs when we have two full moons in the same month—in this case bookending August (8/1 and 8/30). This full blue supermoon brings the already dreamy, emotional, watery Piscean vibes to a crescendo.
New Moon in Gemini Writing Prompt—Choose
The new moon in Gemini today is the first lunation post eclipse season—and brings a breath of change after the past month. And while change may be welcome, it’s not always easy. Mercury, the ruler of this moon in Gemini, is still retrograde, so while new moons are good times for manifestation, this particular one is a bit slower moving, wonkier, changeable. We are still reflecting and reviewing what the retrograde has been teaching us about our communications and thought patterns.
New Moon in Aries Ritual + Writing Prompts: Seed
This is a very powerful new moon and a very powerful time for setting intentions and planting the seeds we wish to grow and harvest this year. This moon is conjunct the sun (as new moons always are) in Aries—sign of the ram, which begins on the vernal equinox (in the northern hemisphere) each year and kicks off spring, season of birth, growth, fertility and virility. Aries season is always a time of action—and, if utilized wisely, of planning and setting goals and intentions to channel its wild energies within. This particular moon, however, is also conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, and Mercury, planet of our minds, thoughts, language and communications—giving it a slightly more nuanced, complex and somber flavor.
New Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt: Reborn
This new moon is a bit of a paradox, on several levels. Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the end of the astrological year, the last stretch before the new moon in Aries begins the spring, the birth of a new cycle. Pisces, like all mutable signs, is the brink, the edge, the liminal in-between as one season bleeds into the next. The winter melting, almost without notice, into spring.
New Moon in Aquarius Ritual + Writing Prompt—Envision
We began the new year deep in Venus’ retrograde through Capricorn—asking us to deeply examine the structures and foundations of everything we value, relationships, love, beauty, art, money, finances, pleasure. As Venus conjoined Pluto, this excavation went deep into the recesses of our past, our subconscious, even into generational and ancestral layers of our psyches and physiology. The good news is, this week begins a major shift in this energy and a big push for forward momentum.
Full Moon in Gemini Ritual + Writing Prompts—Descent
Full Moon in Aries Writing Prompts + Ritual: Deep Transformation
This full moon is a powerful—I mean powerful—time for release and for transformation. It will also bring a lot of intensity and an impulsive desire to act, and act now (occurring in the action-oriented sign of Aries, with Mars, planet of both aggression and getting shit done, in the mix to boot). There’s a lot of surface-movement energy afoot—but beneath that, the real current, the undertow under-pining all the tumult, is the deep, transformational, evolve-or-be-destroyed tide of Pluto’s underworld.
Full Moon in Pisces + Spark Course Opens!
New Moon in Virgo Writing Prompts + Ritual—Devotion
Virgo is the Virgin, the devotee to the Goddess, cleaning and purifying the temple, ritualizing their devotion, offering themselves in service to something larger than themselves. And while I’ve certainly been feeling the back-to-school, prepare-for-winter vibes to clean out the closets and stock the pantry, I am also feeling, deeply, the call to recommit to my practices of writing, meditating, sitting with the sun each morning, making my bed, sweeping space and time for my own connection with something greater, my own devotion and service to the gifts and talents I must hone and create in offering to the world. My payment in exchange for this one wild world, this one short and exquisite life.
Full Moon in Libra Writing Prompts + Ritual—Release + Revitalize
Full moons are always oppositions, so the moon in Libra sits across the sky—staring down, and reflecting the light—from the sun in Aries. Libra, as the opposite sign from Aries, is deeply concerned with connection and relationship to others. Where Aries is “I am,” Libra is “I balance.” Libra’s focus is on finding balance through connection and compromise to the other. The Libra-Aries axis, then, is about finding balance and integration between an independent individualistic sense of self and a being integrated into an interdependent network.
New Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompt—Dream Weaving
Pisces is the end of the zodiac, the twelfth house, the final resting place where everything dissolves back into the cosmic ocean. It is the end of the astrological year, the close to the cycle. And Pisces is also the beginning. It is the grave and the womb, the place where energy separates and disintegrates and then recombines to give birth to spring, to the first house, the beginning of the cycle, to the I AM that is Aries season. Aries is our birth; Pisces is the womb that gives birth to us, the mother ocean, and also the place of our death, ego death or physical death. This new moon in Pisces reminds us that every ending is a beginning, every beginning contains an end.
New Moon in Aquarius Ritual—Cosmic Possibilities
Happy lovely new moon in Aquarius! After so much intense astrology (13 months, and more to come… Saturn/Uranus squares begin next week, whew), PLEASE enjoy the deep joyful breath of this new moon, sharing the day with a conjunction between the two most beneficial planets in the solar system—Venus and Jupiter.
New Moon in Capricorn Writing Prompts + Ritual—Regeneration
Happy first new moon of the new year! I know we were all hoping for a reset after 2020, and I’m sorry to say based on the current events and the astrology, that we’re not there… yet. 2021 will bring a big change in energy—it is the dawning of a new era—but we will have struggles to grapple with yet, both lingering from 2020 and new ones, stamped with the signature of change, innovation, and upheaval, thanks to so much Aquarian, Uranian, and (continued) Plutonian energy at play.
Winter Solstice + The Great Conjunction
On December 21, the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere), one of the most important astrological moments of our lifetimes will occur. This moment is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Jupiter and Saturn conjunct (meet together in the sky) and meld their very different energies approximately every 20 years. They last conjoined on May 28, 2000. Making this a generational cycle at any time—however, this year they meet in an air sign, setting off a new pattern that will last for the next 200 years.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual—Get in Your Body
Welcome to eclipse season (again). This is the sixth of seven eclipses in 2020 (most years we have four to five), just one of the many reasons astrologers have been looking at and talking about 2020 for years (another BIG reason? The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction coming up on the winter solstice, December 21—stay tuned for more on that next month).
Full moons can always heighten emotions, and eclipses amplify and complicate this—so if you’re feeling tired, emotional, irritable or just out of sorts—hold tight, dear one, it will pass.
Full Blue Hunter’s Moon in Taurus Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual
Taurus is the sign of earthly-delight, of deep embodiment, of the willingness to fully incarnate on this planet, in this life—and to revel in it. While the sun in Scorpio—sign of the depths, the shadows, the repressed, the taboo underbelly, the sexual, death and loss and grief—reminds us that this delight does not come through spiritual or political bypassing—does not come through spraying flowery-affirmation perfume over the pile of shit we’re wading in. But neither does it come through remaining stuck in dark and shadowy underworlds.
We must travel through the deep, the buried, the subconscious—facing our shadows and our shit—shoveling them up, turning them over, roiling and fermenting them into the compost which feeds our earthly gardens.
New Moon in Libra Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual—Relational Balance
All other aspects aside, the new moon in Libra is an excellent time to set intentions, not just for the next month, but also for the next six months (until the full moon in Libra in March 2021). And in spite of all of this crazy tension and energy from all the squares and oppositions, I really want us to hold this focus and seed our visions for the future. For ourselves, for our relationships both interpersonal and as a collective society.
Full Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompts—Dreaming New Worlds
Pisces is the fish, fully submerged in the waters of the other realms, the subconscious mind, the oceanic tumult of the body and its feelings. Pisces is also the sphere of the psychic, the intuitive, the home of the medium, the dominion of the muse. Pisces is the watery womb where all dreams gestate. It is our job to choose which ones will be born.
Black Moon in Cancer Writing Prompts—Devotion
This new moon in Cancer is a black moon—the second new moon in a solar month (like a blue moon is the second full moon in a month). The last new moon in Cancer was June 21, 2020.
A black moon is like a super-charged new moon, a time of cycle formation and intention setting that will play out not only for the next month, for the next three years (until the next black moon in March 2023 in Aries).
This is powerful energy to use consciously and wisely.