Writing Exercise

New Moon in Libra Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual—Relational Balance

New Moon in Libra Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual—Relational Balance

All other aspects aside, the new moon in Libra is an excellent time to set intentions, not just for the next month, but also for the next six months (until the full moon in Libra in March 2021). And in spite of all of this crazy tension and energy from all the squares and oppositions, I really want us to hold this focus and seed our visions for the future. For ourselves, for our relationships both interpersonal and as a collective society.

Writing Exercise: Dialogue—How to Talk to a Stranger

Writing Exercise: Dialogue—How to Talk to a Stranger

The exercise for this week will focus on dialogue. It's best with a partner (sorry) but for those intrepid writers flying solo, you can always make up the two "voices" in your head--or aloud. (Wait, you have full blown conversations with yourself too, right? Oh good.) Enjoy!