New Moon in Aquarius Ritual—Cosmic Possibilities

New Moon in Aquarius February 11 2021 12:05 pm MST

New moon conjunct sun at 23º Aquarius; Jupiter conjunct Venus 12º Aquarius

Happy lovely new moon in Aquarius!

After so much intense astrology (13 months, and more to come… Saturn/Uranus squares begin next week, whew), PLEASE enjoy the deep joyful breath of this new moon, sharing the day with a connection (conjunction) between the two most beneficial planets in the solar system—Venus and Jupiter.

There are six planets in Aquarius right now, so Aquarian energy is HIGH.

We’ve had emphasis on Aquarius since first Saturn and then Jupiter entered here (Dec 17 and 18 respectively), and then sparked the dawning of a new age with their conjunction on the Winter Solstice—but this new moon, plus the stellium, really sparks this sense of beginnings, of entering, of creating a new era. (Plus it’s the Lunar New Year, welcome to the year of the ox!)

We breathe in cosmic visions of our collective possibilities. We breathe out the structures of limitation.

We breathe in worlds built on equity and the appreciation of the value of every single being. We breathe out all the voices saying, not yet, saying, never.

We breathe in all the grandness of who we are, unbound by gender, sex, sexuality, race, class, nation, even humanness. We breathe out boundaries; we breathe out hierarchies.

We breathe in messages from the other side. We breathe out the feelings and images of our tiny aloneness.

* * *

I am feeeeeling both the Aquarian vibes and the conjunction of the benefics today (and this week in general). On Monday, astrologer Chani Nicholas, in her weekly podcast said that if she could recommend anything for this week/end, it would be that none of us work. That we bathe and bask in the juiciness of the astrology. And I have taken that to heart.

I struggled to get through the work I had to do (I got it done, but always just at the last second of the deadline) and I have been luxuriating in wasting time in every spare second I can push into with none of my doingness and all of my beingness.

And while if this energy went on for too long I might be a bit of a mess, it feels absolutely crucial to steep in it as much as I possibly can for right now.

So, in that vibe, I have no prompts or rituals this week—only the instructions/advice to be as present in your pleasure as possible.

At least once a day, from now until Tuesday, or even for the next two weeks if you can muster it—ask yourself, What is the most nourishing thing I can do for myself right now?

And stay open to both the expected and the wild Aquarian innovations.

Maybe you need to: stay in your bathrobe until noon; go for a heart-pounding run; dye your hair purple; take three baths a day; do a boudoir shoot in alone your bedroom just for you (or with and for anyone and everyone you want); scribble in your journal; make up a song in the tub; have a zoom meeting with yourself; astral travel; color, maybe on your own body; invent a new recipe; avoid showering; do an hour-long skincare routine; get lost; stare out the window; pleasure yourself for three hours; daydream; sing to the moon; plant seeds, literally, metaphorically; call your friends and brainstorm your commune; build a fire; contemplate your smallness, and your vastness. I’m not saying I’ve done all these things… But maybe I’ve done these things. And I highly recommend them.

What is the most nourishing thing you could do for yourself right now, today?

Breathe it in.

I’ll see you at the full moon. <3

Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash