Writing Exercises

Black Moon in Cancer Writing Prompts—Devotion

Black Moon in Cancer Writing Prompts—Devotion

This new moon in Cancer is a black moon—the second new moon in a solar month (like a blue moon is the second full moon in a month). The last new moon in Cancer was June 21, 2020.

A black moon is like a super-charged new moon, a time of cycle formation and intention setting that will play out not only for the next month, for the next three years (until the next black moon in March 2023 in Aries).

This is powerful energy to use consciously and wisely.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn Ritual + Writing Prompts

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn Ritual + Writing Prompts

To continue with the intensity of 2020, we’ve got a lunar eclipse in Capricorn today—on the 4th of July—closing out this eclipse season, which began with full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th.

Think of how much the world has changed in a month. Think of how much has been brought to the surface to be reckoned with—and how much is still left to do.

Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise

Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise

One thing that I’ve come to love about the cycles of the moon, that at first confused me, is the pattern of where the new and full moons fall. Each month, the new moon is in the current sun sign, and reflects the current season (in the northern hemisphere). We are currently in Taurus season (sun sign), the earthy sign of springtime, growth, birth and generation. Taurus is the farmer, the gardener, sowing the vernal seeds.

Then, the full moon that follows always occurs in the sign opposite the sun, representing the seasonal inverse. This month, the moon reaches its fullness in Scorpio, sign of deep autumn, of decay, of death, of the underworld, the nadir, of transformation.

New Moon in Pisces—Deep-Winter Self-Care for Creativity

New Moon in Pisces—Deep-Winter Self-Care for Creativity

In all processes of creation, there are periods of downtime of quiet of rest of receiving. The creative process no less. In order to be productive, to produce creative work, we must spend time receiving, being receptive. The mutable waters of Pisces, and the cold snows of February, ask us to hunker down, hone in, hibernate, dream, daydream, listen, receive. This season and this weather asks us to tune inward, to consume more and output less. This doesn’t mean we can’t be productive… this means honoring the role of input and holding, of nurturing and germinating the seed beneath the soil, in the process of production.

Writing Exercise: Dialogue—How to Talk to a Stranger

Writing Exercise: Dialogue—How to Talk to a Stranger

The exercise for this week will focus on dialogue. It's best with a partner (sorry) but for those intrepid writers flying solo, you can always make up the two "voices" in your head--or aloud. (Wait, you have full blown conversations with yourself too, right? Oh good.) Enjoy!