The centaur, Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac. Aspects of our lives that may be intensified include goals and plans that expand our horizons and lead to deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the grander scheme—our beliefs, our visions, our FAITH. Do the work here to examine your belief systems and spiritual values, and root out anything toxic, bypassing, or that just no longer resonates for where you are now—so that you don’t carry it forward in your future patterns, and in the annual intention-setting energy that arrives with the winter solstice.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual—Get in Your Body
Welcome to eclipse season (again). This is the sixth of seven eclipses in 2020 (most years we have four to five), just one of the many reasons astrologers have been looking at and talking about 2020 for years (another BIG reason? The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction coming up on the winter solstice, December 21—stay tuned for more on that next month).
Full moons can always heighten emotions, and eclipses amplify and complicate this—so if you’re feeling tired, emotional, irritable or just out of sorts—hold tight, dear one, it will pass.
New Moon in Scorpio Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual
Scorpio is fixed water, and like other water signs Cancer and Pisces, it treads the emotional oceans of our inner landscapes—and Scorpio, above all, is not afraid to traverse the deepest and darkest caverns of our psyches. Scorpio thrives on the intensity—but its ultimate goal is to transform and heal the pain we have been unable or unwilling to reckon with.
Full Blue Hunter’s Moon in Taurus Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual
Taurus is the sign of earthly-delight, of deep embodiment, of the willingness to fully incarnate on this planet, in this life—and to revel in it. While the sun in Scorpio—sign of the depths, the shadows, the repressed, the taboo underbelly, the sexual, death and loss and grief—reminds us that this delight does not come through spiritual or political bypassing—does not come through spraying flowery-affirmation perfume over the pile of shit we’re wading in. But neither does it come through remaining stuck in dark and shadowy underworlds.
We must travel through the deep, the buried, the subconscious—facing our shadows and our shit—shoveling them up, turning them over, roiling and fermenting them into the compost which feeds our earthly gardens.
New Moon in Libra Creative Writing Prompts + Ritual—Relational Balance
All other aspects aside, the new moon in Libra is an excellent time to set intentions, not just for the next month, but also for the next six months (until the full moon in Libra in March 2021). And in spite of all of this crazy tension and energy from all the squares and oppositions, I really want us to hold this focus and seed our visions for the future. For ourselves, for our relationships both interpersonal and as a collective society.
Full Moon in Aries Creative Writing Prompt + Ritual—Honor Thy Anger
Libra season continues the harvest and pushes us into the time of balancing, the time of the equinox. Libra is the scale—of decisions, of choice, of justice. Libra asks us to weigh what we are willing to give, and to give up for justice. What are we as individuals (moon in Aries) willing to offer and compromise in our relationships and, as a society, for collective equity (sun in Libra)?
This balance chaffs against the individual fires of the moon in Aries—sign of individualism, passion, the movement of spring, the strength and courage of the seed to break open in the dark of soil and move toward the sunlight. With Mars retrograde here in Aries too, well, we’ve got some tension simmering.
New Moon in Virgo Creative Writing Prompt + Ritual—The Sacred in the Small
New moons are times of intention setting and planning—and this new moon in Virgo trine Saturn is the apotheosis of organization and plans.
Virgo is the Virgin, the Priestess, the Devoted One. Virgo reminds us that each small task we undertake, each detail we give attention and care, is in service to something larger than just that act, and in service to something bigger than just ourselves.
Full Moon in Pisces Ritual + Writing Prompts—Dreaming New Worlds
Pisces is the fish, fully submerged in the waters of the other realms, the subconscious mind, the oceanic tumult of the body and its feelings. Pisces is also the sphere of the psychic, the intuitive, the home of the medium, the dominion of the muse. Pisces is the watery womb where all dreams gestate. It is our job to choose which ones will be born.
New Moon in Leo Ritual and Vision Boards—Mind & Matter
These three days, August 17-19, are a lovely little burst of inspired mental and creative energy—and a breath of fresh air from the intensity of 2020 (before it ramps up again in September). So please, take the time to check in with your creativity and your creative goals and projects, and allow yourself to find the joy in the process: the activity and the lulls, the surges of inspiration and the moments of the mundane.
Full Moon in Aquarius Ritual + Writing Prompts—Lightning Strikes
The current astro weather (full moon in Aquarius opposing sun in Leo) is speaking to the conflict—and potential—between the collective, the communal, and our own personal light, the individual spark in us, the ideas and creative offerings that only we can bring forth. This energy can feel very polarizing—can tear us in two, split us with what we think we “need” to do from what we feel called to do. But it also has much to teach us.
Black Moon in Cancer Writing Prompts—Devotion
This new moon in Cancer is a black moon—the second new moon in a solar month (like a blue moon is the second full moon in a month). The last new moon in Cancer was June 21, 2020.
A black moon is like a super-charged new moon, a time of cycle formation and intention setting that will play out not only for the next month, for the next three years (until the next black moon in March 2023 in Aries).
This is powerful energy to use consciously and wisely.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn Ritual + Writing Prompts
To continue with the intensity of 2020, we’ve got a lunar eclipse in Capricorn today—on the 4th of July—closing out this eclipse season, which began with full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5th.
Think of how much the world has changed in a month. Think of how much has been brought to the surface to be reckoned with—and how much is still left to do.
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer—Summer Solstice
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer—Summer Solstice
There is so much happening right now! The world feels overwhelming (that’s an understatement) and the astrology is here to match. A new moon total solar eclipse is occurring on the same day as the summer solstice, adding flavors of complexity to the usual celebratory mood of the solstice.
New Moon in Gemini Ritual + Writing Prompt—Multiplicitous Imaginings
Full Moon in Scorpio Creative Ritual + Writing Exercise
One thing that I’ve come to love about the cycles of the moon, that at first confused me, is the pattern of where the new and full moons fall. Each month, the new moon is in the current sun sign, and reflects the current season (in the northern hemisphere). We are currently in Taurus season (sun sign), the earthy sign of springtime, growth, birth and generation. Taurus is the farmer, the gardener, sowing the vernal seeds.
Then, the full moon that follows always occurs in the sign opposite the sun, representing the seasonal inverse. This month, the moon reaches its fullness in Scorpio, sign of deep autumn, of decay, of death, of the underworld, the nadir, of transformation.
New Moon in Taurus Creative Ritual—Seeding Your Purpose
Taurus is a sign of earthly pleasure, and the work that goes along with it. Put another way, Taurus is the sign of the pleasure in the work. The new moon is conjunct (next to, amplifying and melding both energies) Uranus—planet of abrupt and often shocking change—and square (challenged by) Saturn—planet of restriction, slow and steady growth, hard work, and also traditions and structures (and infrastructures).
Revolution and change, confronting the old structures and traditions—and also being slowed and stabilized by them—not all tradition is bad. We don’t want to throw out babies with the bathwater. And Saturn steadies our hand.
Designing Rituals for Your Creative Practice
Building a ritual aspect into your creative practice can do wonders to help rouse that often elusive “creative flow,” by priming our subconscious and imaginative minds to turn on and show up. Like Pavlov ringing the bell, we train our creativity to have the expectation to wake up and show up when we’re ready for it.
Full Moon in Libra Creativity Healing Ritual
The ritual for this moon involves facing the wounds (Chiron) we have experienced (those we held and nurtured over the past two weeks), and transforming and transmuting (Pluto) them into higher levels and versions of themselves, and ourselves, to bring about greater equity, balance, and connection (moon in Libra). Or, at least working toward this ambitious intention.
New Moon in Aries Conjunct Chiron—A Ritual for the Wounded Healer in Us All
Spring has sprung—and yet, in these strangest and most disconcerting of times, it hardly feels like spring. It hardly feels like regeneration and rebirth. And yet… it’s important to remember that birth is not always easy. That the most well-laid of birthing plans often goes awry. Birth is always bloody and messy and on its own schedule—and it’s often also painful, and mixed with its fair share of grief and loss and even death. But in the midst of all the ripping away, all the forms being shredded and reformed—life emerges, life continues.
New Moon in Pisces—Deep-Winter Self-Care for Creativity
In all processes of creation, there are periods of downtime of quiet of rest of receiving. The creative process no less. In order to be productive, to produce creative work, we must spend time receiving, being receptive. The mutable waters of Pisces, and the cold snows of February, ask us to hunker down, hone in, hibernate, dream, daydream, listen, receive. This season and this weather asks us to tune inward, to consume more and output less. This doesn’t mean we can’t be productive… this means honoring the role of input and holding, of nurturing and germinating the seed beneath the soil, in the process of production.